As an MSP, the entire world is your talent pool. You could hire anyone, anywhere, as long as they fulfill your criteria, and the requirements are seldom geography-dependent. 

This matters so much because IT experts come from all over the globe, and hiring internationally is often less expensive. Specialists from areas with lower economic power will do just as good a job for a fraction of the price, so hiring them pays off. 

Still, how do you get the right people for the job? What is an ideal position for an MSP in recruitment scenarios and how do you get the most out of this? Let’s find out!

Outsource Your MSP Staffing

The simplest way to handle your needs as an MSP in recruitment is to skip it completely. How? By delegating it to someone else. 

Today, you can easily find trusted MSP staffing services and simply outsource this task altogether. From lower salary expectations to high-quality 24/7 MSP helpdesk coverage, the benefits of this are too numerous to count.

First of all, outsourcing your MSP staffing means handing the reins to professionals who are experts in recruitment and hiring. These experts know the ins and outs of finding the right talent quickly but without taking any shortcuts. They’ve already built networks and have access to pools of qualified candidates, saving you time and the headache of doing it yourself.

Now, we specifically used the word quickly here, but let’s return to it and explain why it matters so much. You see, given enough time, you would be able to find an ideal candidate. Taking interviews, carefully reading resumes, and organizing one round of the hiring process after another takes time. The problem is that, when it comes to finding and hiring reliable staff, time is always a finite resource. You might need someone to take this position next month (or next Monday) and would simply run out of time before you find the right fit. This is why the importance of expediency cannot be overstated. 

When you outsource staffing to a recruitment agency, you free up valuable time to focus on your MSP’s core operations. Instead of spending hours on interviews, you can invest that energy into growing your business. Moreover, by offloading this task, you ensure that recruitment is handled efficiently without distracting your team from their primary responsibilities.

Hiring the wrong person can be costly in more ways than one! By outsourcing staffing, you minimize the risk. Recruitment agencies are well-versed in vetting candidates, meaning you’re less likely to make a costly hiring mistake. Moreover, they often provide guarantees and testing and training, ensuring you get the right person or a quick replacement. 

Define Roles and Responsibilities 

So, what if you decide to hire on your own, after all?

Imagine looking for your phone in the dark in your own home.

Chances are good that you’ll actually find it. You’ll extend your arm, place your fingers in an ideal position to grab the phone and start tapping around where you expect to find it. You’re likely to find it in a matter of seconds, even though you’re looking for it in the absolute dark. 

This is what job search is supposed to be like. You know exactly who you want, and you’re looking for them in the best possible place. 

When crafting roles and responsibilities, make sure to include feedback from your specialists. According to specialists from a reputable MSP staffing company, you need someone who knows the field inside and out. Sure, you want someone knowledgeable during the interview, but why not include them even earlier?

The last thing you want is a flood of unqualified applicants with overblown salary expectations. When defining a role, be as clear as possible about the skills and experience required. You see, people need guidance on whether they’re a good fit. Vague job descriptions will only waste your time during the MSP hiring process.

You need to make it clear that only candidates who meet your specific qualifications should apply. It’s about setting expectations from the get-go. Moreover, this helps filter out those who aren’t a good match. So, while it may feel limiting, it’s actually a time-saving tactic that benefits both you and potential candidates.

Are people still going to try and “wing it?” Absolutely, but you’ll discard a lot of those who would apply by mistake, which means that you’ll have fewer unqualified resumes to go through.

Prioritize Cultural Fit and Communication Skills

You shouldn’t just focus on the technical skills needed in an MSP help desk environment. You also want to ensure that everyone on your team can communicate clearly. Language barriers can create unnecessary complications. So, prioritize candidates who are fluent in your primary working language. This isn’t just good for communication; it also ensures smoother teamwork and a better fit within your company’s culture

Skills are essential, but so is cultural fit. You want someone who can adapt to your team’s working style. During the interview, take the time needed to assess how well a candidate aligns with your MSP’s values and work environment. The right cultural fit can lead to higher job satisfaction, better collaboration, and quality service delivery – making both your team and customers happy!

Team dynamics can make or break a project, especially in a global setting. It’s essential to gauge whether candidates understand how their role fits into the bigger picture. Moreover, they need to know how to work collaboratively with others, even when separated by miles. The right mindset is key.

So, other than just asking yourself things like, “How many years of prior experience in tech support do most MSP positions require?” you also need to ask if the person in question can actually work as an integral part of your MSP team. 

Soft skills like communication, problem-solving, and adaptability are crucial in a global workforce. During the interview, don’t just focus on technical abilities. Ask candidates how they’ve handled team dynamics or conflicts in the past. You see, soft skills make all the difference in how well new hires integrate into your team. 

Offer Competitive Compensation

Understanding the salary expectations in different regions is essential before making an offer. Research local salary benchmarks for the role you’re hiring for. This way, you ensure your compensation is competitive but not overinflated. This is a key part of the MSP hiring process that some underperforming recruiters are too slow to pay attention to in time. 

One of the biggest advantages of hiring globally is the variation in the cost of living. You see, in some regions, you can offer a lower salary while still making it competitive locally. This lets you hire skilled workers for less without sacrificing quality. It’s a win-win for both your MSP and the candidate!

When recruiting globally, it’s not just about compensation; it’s about the lifestyle you get by working from home. Many candidates prioritize work-life balance, so highlighting perks like flexible working hours or remote work can set you apart from other employers. These perks may not cost you much but can make your offer much more appealing.

Being upfront about compensation from the very beginning saves everyone time. It sets clear expectations and avoids any misunderstandings later in the process. Moreover, transparency builds trust, which is essential when working with international candidates who might have concerns about fairness or consistency. 

Hiring Process Needs to Be Systematic and Repeatable

Tapping into the global talent pool is a game-changer for any MSP. Whether you choose to handle the hiring process yourself or outsource it, finding the right people is what matters most. By defining roles clearly, leveraging time zones, and ensuring cultural fit, your MSP in recruitment will thrive. And remember, outsourcing is always an option if you want to skip the hassle altogether. 

Kristina @ Support Adventure

Hi there! I'm Kristina Antic, the voice behind the articles you've been enjoying on the Support Adventure blog.Welcome to the crossroads of travel, transformative career advice, and all things MSP!Since joining the team in 2020, I've been weaving my experiences from traveling across Europe and Asia into stories that resonate with tech enthusiasts and wanderlust-filled souls alike.From the world of translating and IT customer service to teaching, I’ve worn many hats, all of which I now bring together to help you navigate the exciting remote landscape.Whether you’re looking to kickstart your career in tech, dreaming of digital nomad life, or seeking the best MSP practices and staff, I’m here to share what I’ve learned in a way that feels like we’re just chatting over coffee.See you on the blog!


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