Why Interrogation Style Job Interviews are Bad Business for MSPs

If you are having a hard time filling that open position in your MSP, maybe it’s not them. It’s you. You could be sabotaging the growth of your team with an interrogation style of interviewing your candidates.Here at Support Adventure, we match MSPs with the best talent worldwide. The feedback we always receive from candidates who interview with multiple companies is that they preferred the company that seemed less authoritative and uptight.Here are… Continue Reading Why Interrogation Style Job Interviews are Bad Business for MSPs

Hiring Remote IT Support: Best Practices

We’re about to get into our top tips for hiring a remote team.At Support Adventure, the premium global MSP Staffing Company, we have hired over 40 remote staff members who have contributed to our growth, almost all of whom were interviewed and hired online. We understand that the process of hiring remote workers can seem daunting if you’re new to it, so here are our top tips you need to know to have success… Continue Reading Hiring Remote IT Support: Best Practices