Data Protection
and Privacy
Our Data Protection Policy
Support Adventure takes data security very seriously. We help both end-client companies and MSPs become GDPR compliant, and enjoy making suggestions on increasing security.
When it comes to contractors’ and applicants’ data, we only take the data which one would expect for a job application, and never collect external data to create automated analyses of applicants or share data with third-parties.
Privacy by Design
Support Adventure uses a ‘Privacy by Design’ model, as is suggested practice by the ICO. Instead of relying on rules (which work great in theory, but can easily be broken), we rely on systems where privacy and security are part of the natural flow of work.
For example, instead of banning the practice of downloading client data and writing it to a hard drive, we ensure that all engineers have the tools they need to perform all normal tasks by holding information only in RAM. Sensitive data is continuously destroyed by the design of the system, rather than by procedure.
If you have any queries or requests about your data stored with Support Adventure, you can write to [email protected]