msp ticket note writing guide
what is included in this guide?
Do you want an easy way to improve your company’s ticket notes? Present this guide to your engineers and then hold them accountable to following these proven guidelines. Download the guide for free below!
Ticket Notes from a Business Perspective
When reviewing ticket notes, we should be able to see all steps which were taken to service the client from a service delivery perspective. Learn all the things that should be included in the ticket.
Ticket Notes from a Technical Perspective
When reviewing ticket notes, we should be able to understand the technical process which was followed to resolve the issue, to the point where another engineer could replicate the resolution.
Ticket Summary Line
The last line of ticket notes should accurately depict the status of the ticket and elaborate on what needs to happen next for the ticket to continue on its road to completion. Learn about the 4 possible outcomes of a ticket entry.
Golden Guideline
A good rule of thumb for ensuring that all information is logged correctly is by ensuring a golden rule, which is shared in this document with examples.
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